Welcome to HappenBox, your go-to platform for connecting buyers and sellers for all your special occasions – whether it's birthdays, parties, religious celebrations, or any other event worth celebrating. Here's how it works:

For Sellers:

Are you someone with products or services to offer?
At HappenBox, you can create a seller profile and gain access to a range of tools to showcase your offerings. Here's what you get:

Product and Service Pages:

Create detailed listings for your products and services, including descriptions and pricing. You can list as many items as you want for free.

Easy Transactions:

Once a sale is made, the transaction process is seamless. HappenBox ensures secure transactions and handles the 2% transaction fee, leaving you free to focus on your business. If you would like to sell more flexibly, please read below about our “Subscription Package.”

Subscription Package:

Opt for our Subscriber package to eliminate the 2% transaction fee per sale. With a monthly or yearly subscription, you can sell as much as you like without any additional costs.


Want to stand out from the crowd? Utilise our range of profile and product/service boosters. By paying a nominal fee, you can feature your products or services at the top of search results on the website, giving them maximum visibility. Additionally, showcase your profile on the main page to enhance visibility and get noticed by potential buyers.

Messaging Feature:

HappenBox also offers a messaging feature that allows you to communicate directly with clients or potential buyers regarding the offered product or service. This provides an additional opportunity for buyers to request more information, ensuring that transactions between parties are as clear and negotiated as possible. By leveraging the tools and features offered by HappenBox, you can effectively showcase your offerings, boost your visibility, and maximise your sales potential – all while enjoying the convenience of our user-friendly platform For


Are you someone who is looking to buy products and services for your special occasions? In that case, HappenBox offers a user-friendly platform where you can easily browse through a wide range of offerings, sign in as a guest for flexible purchasing options, and even message sellers directly for additional information on the products or services you're interested in..